Diatomaceous earth refers to soft, crumbly and porous sediment from the fossil remains of diatoms. Diatoms are classes of unicellular plankton or colonial algae whose skeletons silicify and settle to form this rich deposit. It’s then mined from dried or underwater lake and sea beds. It’s not the best-smelling stuff on earth, at least in its “muck” state, but it contains many trace minerals including silica, magnesium, calcium, sodium and iron.

The group Diatomaceous.org lists several reasons to use diatomaceous earth for not just health, but skin and haircare. For example, the silica in it is said to work with other antioxidants to prevent wrinkling and premature aging. In addition, antioxidants such as organic silica are believed to safeguard against damage caused by UV radiation.


Kaolin Clay


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